Thursday, November 15, 2007

DiFi Disappoints, Again

At the risk of cursing the public transport goddesses, I'll report here that the past few weeks have been pretty pleasant on Muni. In fact, today's irritation has nothing to do with Muni. But it has everything to do with our world.

For the past three weeks, Dianne Feinstein has let San Francisco, California and Democrats down again and again. She has repeatedly voted as if she were powerless in the face of the Bush administration. She seems to forget that she's in the majority. Her lame excuse is generally, "We have to pick the lesser evil because Bush will find a way to make this happen anyway."

Sure he will, with spineless senators like Feinstein rolling over for him again and again.
This week alone she's expressed herself appallingly on two crucial issues:
The Attorney General: Waterboarding? Oh, whatever. Welcome Mukasey.
FISA: Spying on Citizens? Well, we need to protect our telecom companies from lawsuits.

She also had a predictably wimpy response to the disastrous oil spill in SF Bay.

I'm a lifelong Democrat. I have NEVER not voted in my life. I read the voter manuals. I write to my representatives. I have a stronger aversion for "direct democracy." But I've also had enough of Feinstein's bullshit. A quick Google search of "Recall Feinstein" reveals that I am not alone.

The thing is, a recall amendment would eventually turn federal electoral politics into a bigger version of screwed up California electoral system. So what do we do? There's some great discussion on Kos today.

I will protest, write, withhold money, organize, and foment dissent as best I can. Join me. Dianne doesn't deserve a free ride until the end of her term. Visualize ZZTop playing songs of protest at full blast outside of her mansion as she plots more ways to please the greedy corporate titans who feed her a neverending supply of greenbacks. It won't stop her from ignoring the values of her constituency, because she doesn't understand our values. But it will irritate the hell out of her.

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